Why Science Fiction Is a Fabulous Tool in the Fight for Social Justice
June 2, 2015
| thenation.com
Co-editors Walidah Imarisha and Adrienne Brown (Illustration by Andy Friedman)
In March, I spoke with writer, organizer, and science-fiction scholar Adrienne Brown and filmmaker, poet, and prison abolitionist Walidah Imarisha about their new book, Octavia’s Brood, an anthology of radical science fiction by activist writers. This interview has been edited and condensed.
LF: Adrienne, remind us who Octavia is.
Adrienne Brown: Octavia Butler was a black
science-fiction writer whose protagonists were young women of color,
mostly black women. They practiced leading and changing the world in
ways that most science fiction has not really played with. We were
really inspired by her work, which takes on social-justice issues. Her
collection Lilith’s Brood talks about this person who basically
creates the next phase of humanity. It feels like Butler never wanted
to be the only person doing that, so we call ourselves Octavia’s Brood.
LF: Walidah, you say that all social organizing is science fiction. What do you mean?
Walidah Imarisha: Any time we try to envision a
different world—without poverty, prisons, capitalism, war—we are
engaging in science fiction. When we can dream those realities together,
that’s when we can begin to build them right here and now.
LF: Realism tends to occupy a higher place in the hierarchy of literature than science fiction.
WI: Absolutely. Especially among folks who are
radical, progressive, left. I’ve met many people who are very proud that
they only read nonfiction, and I feel very sad for them, because we
have to be able to imagine something else. In science fiction, we don’t
have to stay contained within what is possible. We can start with the
question “What do we want?” rather than the question “What is
LF: You dream up a fallen angel. Who is she to you?
WI: She went against God because she couldn’t stand
to watch humans suffer anymore. God said, “I have a plan.” She said,
“Whatever your plan is, I can’t sit by and watch this anymore.” For me, a
lot of that is about questioning the idea of authority—in this case,
the ultimate authority. Because of that, God ejects her from heaven and
sets her on fire, throws her into the Harlem River. She ends up in
Harlem and becomes a very reluctant superhero.
LF: Adrienne, your story is about
Detroit, where you live. Were you able to communicate things in science
fiction that you haven’t been able to in your organizing?
AB: I think so. I wanted to talk about
gentrification in a different way. There’s always this question of, What
would it look like if the people got to develop the community? It
occurred to me that we would need some supernatural help. I’ve been
obsessed with the idea of what lives in the Detroit River and making it a
character. I’ve heard so many stories about people getting pushed into
the river during the riots, all the runaway slaves who have crossed it,
people who have committed suicide in it, accidents, burnings. What if
the river had something to say, a point of view that is in touch with
the emotions of the city, the grief of the city? It wouldn’t be good for
those who are trying to gentrify it. It was very healing for me.
LF: Have these stories and this process given you a new vision of justice?
WI: Absolutely. I do a lot of work on prison
abolition. What can justice look like outside the context of prisons and
police, and really rooted in community accountability, healing, and
restorative ideas of justice? Science fiction is a perfect testing
ground for these issues, because the vast majority of people can’t
imagine a world without prisons.
LF: I never knew that journalist and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal was a Star Trek fan. How’d you find out, Walidah?
WI: I had the honor of visiting him on death row. I made some Star Trek
reference and Mumia just flowed with it—he was like, “Right? Live long
and prosper.” Mumia is a nerd in all ways; he really sees the visionary
realities and possibilities of science fiction. He contributed an essay
on Star Wars, US imperialism, and militarism, and also recorded
an audio version. It’s amazing to hear him not only give this brilliant
analysis but also do a Darth Vader impression.
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