VIDEO: Israeli Apartheid Learns from US Apartheid of the Jim Crow Error
News, analysis, resources and documents that help us advance "Education for Liberation." In addition, we provide critical analysis of racism and capitalism in all their ugly forms.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
"Love, That's America"
Melvin Van Peebles' 1978 Song Still On Point 33 Years Later
Melvin Van Peebles' 1978 Song Still On Point 33 Years Later
From BWMovingImages
on Nov 14, 2011
Love, That's America is a song written
by iconic, legendary and revolutionary filmmaker Melvin Van Peebles, who
is best known as the Godfather of Blaxploitation film.
He wrote this song in 1978 as a poignant criticism of the state of race and class in the U.S.
The great irony is that thirty-three years later, the song couldn't be more relevant given the treatment of black, brown, red, yellow and poor people the world over.
It is his testament against endless wars, police brutality, racism, class-ism, sexism and predatory corporatism.
He wrote this song in 1978 as a poignant criticism of the state of race and class in the U.S.
The great irony is that thirty-three years later, the song couldn't be more relevant given the treatment of black, brown, red, yellow and poor people the world over.
It is his testament against endless wars, police brutality, racism, class-ism, sexism and predatory corporatism.
But most importantly, it is his testament of love for the people.
The song has found new life on the internet, and this video, produced by BW Moving Images.(
Thank you to all of the independent media outlets and camera phone videographers who were brave enough to capture this footage and make it available for the world to see.
The song has found new life on the internet, and this video, produced by BW Moving Images.(
Thank you to all of the independent media outlets and camera phone videographers who were brave enough to capture this footage and make it available for the world to see.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Increasing Poverty Within the US Workingclass
Marx Was Right! Capitalism is about pushing more and more people into poverty and extreme poverty because of a combo of super exploitation and disappearing jobs
Monday, November 14, 2011
Ugandan Students design an Electric Car
By Paul Ndiho
November 8, 2011-
Students from Makerere University faculty of technology test drive an electric car they have built and plan to use the prototype to entice potential investors to start mass production.
Like many capital cities, Kampala in Uganda has its share of pollution. A fast growing population and rapid urban development has meant more cars on the road and more fumes in the atmosphere.
Environmentalists warn the high level of urban pollution is set to rise, leaving Kampala residents at risk of health problems and adding to the country's carbon footprint.
But all that could change if a group of students from Makerere University in the capital have their way.
They've designed their very own version of the electric car, already making waves elsewhere in the world where it’s been touted as the solution to eradicating global car emissions.
Appropriately painted green to demonstrate its environmental credentials the Kiira EV can reach speeds of up to 60mph and lasts for three to four hours before it needs to be recharged.
It was test driven through to streets of Kampala last week. Jonathan Kasumba, a local resident who turned out to witness the green car's virgin outing said this is the best thing that has come out of Uganda in a longtime.
"To me it is a great achievement, it is something I would personally say, it's a change to the norm, everybody thinks this is from outside, this is from outside, now they can see, it is coming from within."
The prototype for Kiira EV cost around 35,000 US dollars but engineers say that cost could be bought down to as little as 15,000 US dollars when it is mass produced.
Meanwhile, its designers already have their sights set on expanding the brand to include bigger vehicles. Paul Musasizi lead EV kiira engineering team.
"You know Uganda is well endowed with solar energy, we would like to tap that and put it into that commuter bus so that is where our energies are focused now that we know we can build a car, that one we have done, that one is history”.
The car was assembled by a team of eight engineers, supervised by one of Uganda's leading professors in electrical engineering and computing, Tickodri Togboa. It was funded mostly by a government grant given to the engineering department to propel technological research over a period of five years.
Mukibi Dan, a Ugandan environmental activist says the car represents an important milestone for Uganda, not only demonstrating a level of commitment to top level teaching and design in Kampala but also an assurance that green issues are high on the agenda.
"The issues as we talk now is about environmental protection and I think this prototype, being that it is not going to use fossil fuel as it were to be able to move, I think it is an innovation that as a citizen and an environmental activist am proud off".
The car is yet to be fitted with a speedometer or a system to power its electric windows, but according to students they have already had requests from interested members of the public hoping to buy one when they hit the shops sometime in the future.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Cholera, Haitian Genocide and the UN: Recolonization On Steroids
Exclusive: 5,000 Haitian Cholera Victims Sue U.N. After Deadly Epidemic Kills 6,000, Sickens 450,000
A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of more than 5,000 Haitians against the United Nations over the cholera outbreak that has further devastated Haiti in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake. Some 450,000 Haitians have been sickened, and more than 6,000 have died, since the cholera outbreak erupted in October 2010, just over a year ago.
It is widely believed the cholera was brought to Haiti by a battalion of Nepalese troops with the U.N. peacekeeping force. In a complaint to the United Nations, the attorneys for the Haitian victims also accuse the organization of reckless failure in containing the outbreak, arguing it is "directly attributable to the negligence, gross negligence, recklessness and deliberate indifference" for the health and lives of Haitians.
"Time after time, the response has been to deny the allegations. We’re hoping that this is the case that’s too big to fail, that the evidence against the United Nations is so overwhelming here that the U.N. will have no choice but to finally take responsibility for its malfeasance," says attorney Brian Concannon of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti.
"What we are asking for, what our clients are asking for, is the U.N. and the international community to step up and to give Haiti the sanitation infrastructure it needs to stop the epidemic."
Video is from
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Racism, Eugenics and Testing -- Again
Ole School Racism on Intelligence
The historical association between racism and standardized testing recently returned to haunt the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The APA was scheduled to present a lifetime achievement award to Raymond B. Cattell, a leading developer of standardized personality tests, until anti-racist groups revealed Cattell's work in the eugenics movement.
The historical association between racism and standardized testing recently returned to haunt the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The APA was scheduled to present a lifetime achievement award to Raymond B. Cattell, a leading developer of standardized personality tests, until anti-racist groups revealed Cattell's work in the eugenics movement.
Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith argued that Cattell
"exhibited a lifelong commitment to racial supremacy theories," a
criticism reinforced by others who have studied his work. The APA then
postponed the award and appointed a committee to investigate the issue.
Meanwhile, the AERA, which has an educational research award named after
Cattell, said it also would investigate the claims.
presents itself as a science which seeks to improve genetics by
preventing people with "inferior" genes (as evidenced, for example, by
their IQ test scores) from having children. Historically, it has claimed
that Europeans, particularly those from northwestern Europe, are
genetically superior intellectually, physically and morally. Beginning
in the 1920s, and continuing in some European nations until at least the
1960s, women have been sterilized in the name of eugenics. Hitler
pointed approvingly to the work of early eugenicists, many of whom were
prominent in the history of the development of standardized testing.
responded that the critics have taken his writings from the 1930s "out
of textual and historical context," and denied being a racist, saying,
"I have not ever studied racial differences." He also said his "views of
eugenics have evolved over the years," and he supports it only on a
voluntary basis.
Cattell is the founder of the Beyondist Foundation, whose first
newsletter dates from 1993 and which openly espouses eugenics, stating
"the need is to lessen the excessive birth rate in the below 100 IQ
range." People of African, Latin American and American Indian descent in
the U.S. are disproportionately likely to have IQ scores below 100.
Cattell also has been on the editorial board of Mankind Quarterly,
founded in 1960, which was denounced by U.S. Rep. Cardiss Collins as "a
sinkhole of racist maundering." The work of the quarterly also received
attention through criticism of Herrnstein and Murray's The Bell Curve.
Charles Lane, writing in The New York Review of Books, exposed
the quarterly's racist orientation and the extent to which The Bell
Curve relied uncritically on spurious "research" printed in the journal.
Institutional Implications
claim that the APA and the AERA had no knowledge of Cattell's past is
itself curious. It suggests that either the organizations and their
leaders consistently separate their research from social context or that
a racist and eugenicist approach is so common in the profession of
psychological testing that Cattell simply did not stand out. Another
researcher who has argued that IQ tests prove genetically-based racial
inferiority, Linda Gottfredson, released a survey a few years ago noting
that most "intelligence researchers" agree with her position.
(Ironically, this came at a time when evolutionary biologists have
reached wide agreement on the meaninglessness of race as a genetic
concept.) Thus, the APA award to Cattell is a reminder that the racist
history of testing is by no means over, but remains pervasive in at
least some areas of mental measurement, despite condemnation by others
in the profession.
has been praised as one of the foremost developers of personality
tests. A skeptic might wonder what sort of person would be deemed
"normal" by a eugenicist who has been quoted as saying that Hitler was
in some ways reasonable.
Stephen Jay Gould, among others, has shown, research into
"intelligence" has been powerfully shaped by the social views of the
researchers. The same may be true of the designers of "personality"
tests, such as Cattell. Thus, the Cattell incident should raise
questions about the extent to which purportedly "objective" tests
continue to perpetuate race, class and gender biases rooted in the views
of test designers and users.
The Fascist Origins of the SAT Test
NOTE: This interview was written back in 1999. How did our obsession with the SAT begin?
story starts with the invention of IQ tests. That was 1905. Here's the
brief history. Alfred Binet, a French psychologist, invents the first IQ
test in 1905 in Paris. The second important thing that happens is that
Lewis Terman, an American psychology professor at Stanford...took
Binet's idea, used it in a slightly different way and really became a
proselytizer for IQ testing and its widespread use in American
education. And the reason was to pick people to become part of a new
| |
of those people was Carl Brigham, a psychologist at Princeton
University. He had worked on the army test, and his adaptation of the
army intelligence test, called the Army Alpha for use in college
admissions, was the SAT. Carl Brigham is the guy who wrote the SAT,
which at that time stood for the Scholastic Aptitude Test. So he was
sitting in Princeton, he invented this test, marketed it, sort of test
marketed it to various schools including the military academies, and
some of the Ivy League schools. He was then discovered by Henry Chauncey
and Bill Bender, two assistant deans to Harvard president James Conant,
and they adopted the SAT for use as a Harvard scholarship test. That
happened during the 1930s. Then it was used even more widely in the late
1930s as a scholarship test for all Ivy League schools.
then, with the advent of the second World War, the army and navy gave
an adapted SAT called the Army-Navy College Qualification Test to
300,000 people on the same day. That's a big event. Before the Second
World War the SAT was being given to maybe five, ten thousand people a
year, so it wasn't a big project. It's complicated to give a high stakes
test under secure conditions to hundreds of thousands of people at
sites all across America. So, this fateful day in 1944 was the first
time that the people who were in charge of the SAT were able to show
that they could give it on a mass basis.
Is our society obsessed with the SAT?
kind of extreme SAT hysteria, such as spending tens of thousands of
dollars on test prep, prepping for five years, that kind of thing--I
think that's pretty much irrational.
Conant set all this stuff up, two things didn't occur to him. It didn't
occur to him that there would be this whole culture around getting
admission. The whole system was supposed to just sort of do a scan that
people weren't even aware what was going on and to just pluck out a few
then, you weren't supposed to want to be picked so you could "make it,"
or so you could be a success or make a lot of money or get prestige.
Conant explicitly said in his writings, 'these people would be no better
than anybody else.' They would not get any special privileges. It would
horrify him to see the way in which people regard getting high test
scores and getting selected for these universities as a kind of way to
get stuff--to get the goodies in America. That is not what the system
was built for.
are kids who are twisting their lives, and the parents, too, who twist
their lives and rob themselves of their own childhood so that they can
get into one of two or three or four schools. I think they're being
irrational, or they're being obsessive.
thank God, in America today it still doesn't matter that much where you
went to college. I think it matters too much, and I hope it starts to
matter less in the future. But it still doesn't matter as much as it
does in England or in France or in Germany or in Japan or in Taiwan.
Thank God. It shouldn't matter that much. There is no job in the United
States that you have to have gone to x college to get--we're not at that
point yet.
What was Henry Chauncey's role?
worked for Conant, the President of Harvard. Chauncey and Conant had
been playing around with admissions testing all through the 1930s, with
the idea, really a small idea in mind, and that is bringing scholarship
students first to Harvard and then to other Ivy League schools. You're
really talking about a handful of people, and only a handful of people
took these tests. In 1941 I found a fascinating thing in the Harvard
archives, which is Conant in 1941 wrote a whole unpublished book at the
outset of the war called "What We Are Fighting For". And he also wrote
several articles on this theme, but never published the book. The most
famous was called "Wanted American Radicals". It was published in 1944
in the Atlantic Monthly. So Conant, who was really running the
testing operation, switched --and this is really important-- he switched
from saying "This is all about picking a few scholarship kids to send
to Ivy League schools" to instead saying "No, we have to revamp the
entire American society". The level of ambition of his project just
ratcheted up a hundred times, because he went from testing a few people
to using testing as a tool to accomplish these incredibly grandiose
goals. Conant believed America had previously been a democratic society
and was now becoming a class-bound aristocratic society like England
very rapidly. That was dangerous. It was going to destroy the country,
possibly lead to Marxism taking over in the United States, and it had to
be destroyed. You had to create a classless society, and the way to do
that was through testing and higher education.
all this stuff was being undertaken with the idea of starting a kind of
social revolution that would affect everybody in the country. And it
did, although it didn't turn out the way Conant thought it would.
What was Conant's intent?
had what he considered a kind of vision of radical democracy in the
United States. There was a group of people who constituted the
establishment at the time, and in the book I call them the Episcopacy.
They were all male, all white, all Protestant, most Episcopalian. They
were kind of high Protestant white men, very high-minded and decent
people, but it's a very closed world and they're descended from
basically the Puritans who came and settled this country. And,
especially from Conant's point of view--that's who ran America, and they
had it in a tight grip and nobody else could get any power in the
he wanted to unseat those people and replace them. The idea he had in
mind was an idea of Thomas Jefferson's that Conant had picked up on --
the idea of a natural aristocracy. He believed you would look out across
America and you would find just out in the middle of nowhere, springing
from the good American soil, these very intelligent, talented people.
You would find a way to find them and let them run the country instead.
So that was the quiet coup d'etat that he had planned, to engineer this
natural aristocracy--identify them, train them, organize things so they
got the power instead of this old group of people descended from the
original settlers of America.
Can you talk a bit about Thomas Jefferson?
Jefferson, after having retired as President, struck up a
correspondence with John Adams who was, of course, also a retired
President. Jefferson is in Virginia, Adams is in Massachusetts. And they
wrote these really remarkable long letters to each other--very
scholarly. Parts of them are in Greek; parts of them are in Latin. You
can't imagine ex-Presidents writing this stuff today. Anyway, there's a
famous letter, written from Jefferson to Adams in 1813, and Jefferson
says "I propose to you that there is a natural aristocracy among men,
made up of people who have virtues and talents." And then he contrasted
it to what he called a "tinsel aristocracy," based on wealth and birth.
And he said America should be run by the natural aristocracy.
don't know exactly when Conant found this letter, but it's clear that
when he found this letter he just thought--bingo, this is what I
believe. And it's more than just that Conant found this letter that he
loved. Conant had a lot of power and it's very clear he thought, "Thomas
Jefferson had this idea, but he didn't have the means to put it into
effect; I, Conant, for various reasons, do have the means to put it into
effect". So he really thought of himself as the person who was lucky
enough to be able to carry out, in the last half of the twentieth
century in the United States, Thomas Jefferson's idea about a natural
aristocracy. He referred to this letter again and again in his writings
and it's quite clear that he thought he was the person who was putting
into place Jefferson's dream.
You said Carl Brigham wrote the SAT. Was he a racist?
was a reformed racist, basically. You have to be careful about how you
use words like racist, because one of the difficult things about history
is not being anachronistic. That is, not applying the standards of the
present to the past. So it must be said that in 1920 virtually every
respectable person in the United States was an unacceptable racist by
today's standards. Just as an example, remember, you could not find a
man who believed that women should occupy positions of authority in
a very popular movement, particularly among establishment types in the
teens and twenties was the eugenics movement which held that the kind of
breeding stock of humans was worth looking at and that it was
endangered. Eugenicists believed in the innate superiority and
inferiority of races on a scale. They were very worried--remember that
we had no immigration laws then--they were very worried about unimpeded
immigration and how that would lead to a dilution of the superior racial
stocks in America. This wasn't just a few nuts who thought this. This
was Theodore Roosevelt, Oliver Wendell Holmes. All respectable people
thought this stuff, or almost all, a few heroic ones did not. And by the
way, when you say racist, these people didn't think in terms of whites
and people of color. What we would call the white race they divided into
a lot of little sub-races in order of superiority and inferiority. In
particular there were three white races, according to this
theory--Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans. So it was a cause for
alarm, not just that non-whites were coming to the country, but that too
many of the lower class of whites--Mediterraneans--were coming to the
Brigham wrote a book in 1923 called A Study of American Intelligence.
This was based on his work on the Army Alpha Test. He analyzed the test
results by race and found--as people who do that have always
found--that people of color, Jews, Mediterraneans, anybody who wasn't a
kind of what he would call a Nordic, was inherently intellectually
inferior. And that the country was in big trouble because two many of
these people were coming into the country. So this book is a kind of
very ripe, racist book by today's standards, typical of establishment
thinking of the time, although Brigham, you know, bothered to write it
down. And it just stands up very well as an offensive piece of writing.
Now, Brigham renounced it within about five years. To his great credit,
he specifically disowned the book. He changed his mind, he broke with
the eugenics movement and by the end of his life, was really one of the
leading critics, of the eugenics movement. So he came around and
deserves a lot of credit for that.
Is the SAT an IQ test?
to people in the field--especially if they're sort of letting their
hair down--they will say the SAT is essentially an IQ test, particularly
the verbal portion is essentially an IQ test. I want to step back a
little from the idea that the IQ test is a scientific measurement of
intelligence. From the beginning, IQ tests essentially traffic in
vocabulary items: antonyms, analogies, reading comprehension, it's a
test of vocabulary fluency and accomplishment. So, the premise of an IQ
test is that it is the same thing as intelligence. Maybe it is, maybe it
isn't. It's measuring one specific thing. It's not a magical, mystical
test. The SAT grew out of an IQ test and the verbal in particular takes
the oldest chestnut IQ testing techniques and applies them to high
school seniors. And you know very widely, including in the Bell Curve
itself, the SAT verbal score is used as a proxy IQ score, or is used as
interchangeable with IQ scores. It's the thing that--to the extent that
there's a sort of secret about Educational Testing Service, which
administers the SAT, the secret is that at least the test makers there
know that what they're doing is administering a mass IQ test but the
organization's very invested in denying that.
It's not an accident that the emphasis was put on aptitude instead of achievement and as a matter of fact that Conant pretty much insisted on it?
of all, Conant himself, although he was never a card-carrying member of
the eugenics movement, clearly believed in the basic theory that
intelligence is an innate and sort of biological quality and that it's
the most important human quality. So that's the starting point. But on a
more practical level, when he's starting the system in the 1930s and
40s, American education is highly various--it's a big country, you know,
air travel and long distance telephony are in their infancy.
Schools are just very different from place to place. There's no national curriculum. So you need a way to perform a straight-up comparison of high school students who have been exposed to very different kinds of education. And to Conant the IQ test or aptitude test is the best way to do that. He was quite insistent on that.
had this kind of idealistic belief in creating a classless society. He
was very, very tied to the idea of not favoring people who had been born
into a privileged class, which is highly ironic today. So he thought
that if you had tests that were achievement tests, or tests of mastery
of the high school curriculum, it would be unfair to poor kids because
they wouldn't have gone to good high schools. Anything that would help
the rich kids who had been to fancy prep schools in the East Conant was
against. So in his meetings with Chauncey about the SAT he would say
over and over again, according to Chauncey, "Now are you sure this isn't
an achievement test? Are you sure this is a pure aptitude test, pure
intelligence? That's what I want to measure, because that is the way I
think we can give poor boys the best chance and take away the advantage
of rich boys."
What Conant wanted was to take an old elite and substitute for it a new elite. Is it fair to say that this is what Chauncey wanted or this is really only what Conant wanted?
difference between Conant and Chauncey, one of the differences is that
Conant was a man with a highly specific social vision. He had a
particular idea about America that he wanted to put into place. He
wanted to change the structure of the country in a specific way.
Chauncey was a guy who was in love with testing. He believed testing is a
miracle and it will solve all the problems of the world. He didn't have
a particular vision of what he wanted the society to look like. He just
believed in the technology totally and he thought, you know, the more
you can test the better a country it'll be. If a problem arises with a
testing regime, hell, let's just invent more tests and solve the problem
that way. So he just believed in the technique of testing.
believed that a narrow constricted group of wealthy descendents of the
early settlers of America - people born into money, privately educated,
often in New England boarding schools, usually Episcopalian - had formed
a kind of club. They weren't especially able, to Conant's mind, and
they kind of controlled everything, they had a grip on everything. And
they had built a system in which the word meritocracy wasn't around, but
they built a sort of fake meritocracy in which the rules were rigged so
only they could win.
primary goal, as far as domestic life in America, was to break the hold
of this old elite and put in its place, a new elite that would be made
up of people from a national group, people from all over the country,
people selected on pure intelligence, not on their background. These
would be people who he assumed would have come from very modest
backgrounds and would have gone to public school rather than private
school--people who would be more liberal, ideologically, than the
predecessor group.
wanted to break the old group's hold, create the new group, and put
them in charge of the country. I mean, it's astonishingly ambitious.
America's filled with these utopian experiments but they're usually one
little town or one house or something. Conant had the ability to do a
utopian experiment on the whole country and it worked, in a sense,
although it didn't turn out to be a utopia.
What did it turn out to be?
the fundamental irony of the American meritocracy, the system that
Conant set up, is this: people will start madly manipulating the system
to their favor and to the favor of their children. And the people who
have more money and more power and more sophistication will be able to
manipulate it more successfully. So, the sort of the tragedy of Conant's
system is that some of his ideas just seem laughable today. The idea
that America would become a classless society through the use of these
tests. The idea that the people who score high on these tests would care
only about public service and the good of the country and would be
indifferent to money and power. The idea that they would be admired by
ordinary people in the country. The idea that they would turn social
arrangements completely upside down in the country.
The idea that they would be enemies of privilege--they wouldn't want to privilege themselves above others, they would want to wipe out all privilege in America.
mean, these ideas are appealing but today they just sound impossibly
naïve. You can't set up a system to distribute rank and privilege and
assume it won't be used for that purpose by people and that people won't
eventually figure out how to game the system and use it to pass on
advantage. Every conceivable meritocracy, degrades over time into an
aristocracy. It just has to happen that way.
What's the history of the word Meritocracy?
interesting about it is today, if you say the word meritocracy people
think, "Oh, meritocracy that must be good." It's an automatic good. It's
up there with mom and apple pie.
word was invented to be made fun of actually. It was invented by
Michael Young a British sociologist in 1958, who wrote a kind of weird
little novel, or novella, called The Rise of the Meritocracy.
Young was a socialist who basically was arguing if you set up a
meritocracy it will destroy social justice. So Young thought of himself
as kind of a critic of meritocracy and invented the word in order to
show that it was a bad idea.
Meritocracy means "ruled by the best," but it's Latin and Greek mixed.
Young used the word meritocracy as a kind of bastard hybrid word.
Because aristocracy no longer meant what it literally means, ruled by
the best. It meant, ruled by dumb inheritors.
Well, as we now understand meritocracy, it's all prefix and no suffix. It's all merit, and no ocracy.
All of our attention goes to how do we select people. And what we're
selecting them for is just to win the lottery. To have these fantastic
rewards showered on them. We've completely forgotten that the whole
system was set up to create public servants. That's been dropped. Once
they've been selected, they don't have to do anything in particular, and
they don't think of themselves, and the country doesn't think of them
as the leaders, as Jefferson and Conant wanted. They're just people who
get to be investment bankers.
Central to the concept of Conant's meritocracy was the notion of public service. Can you discuss that?
high on the list of ironies about this system Conant created, as it's
turned out, is it's seen by everybody as a system to confer rewards on
people. All reward, no obligation. The reason that there's this kind of
crush at the gates of these universities, the reason everybody's taking
test prep, the reason everybody's gone crazy trying to get good scores
on these tests, and get into elite schools is 'cause they'll make a lot
of money. That's what it is! It's your ticket to success in America.
How did the Educational Testing Service (ETS) become such an influential organization?
thing that's very important to understand about ETS is how it is
financed. It's a private business although it's a non-profit. So it has
to kind of make a living for itself. And the essential trick of ETS is,
the test takers pay the fees individually. So the clients, it's marketed
to colleges. The college orders the test, but the test taker has to pay
the fee. So an ETS sales person can say to the college, "This is free.
This is a freebie for you. You require this test, it won't cost you a
penny because the takers take the test." But the point is, ETS has to
make money for itself. It has to operate as a business or it's just out
of business...It's not a government agency.
the early going, ETS was broke because many colleges hadn't required
the SAT yet. And that took a long time to get them on board. It also had
cash flow problems. They needed ways to make money. And the big thing
that saved them in the early years was they got a big contract from the
Selective Service Administration to run a test during the Korean War for
college students that would defer them from the draft.
was a huge fight going on in the country at the time over who should
serve in the military. Conant, who as you know was obsessed with making
this a classless society, was the leading proponent of the idea that
everybody should have to serve. He was for universal service. General
Hershey, the head of the draft bureau, was for administering a test to
college students and saying to the high scorers, "You can stay in
college. You don't have to serve at the front lines."
were a lot of reasons for this, but one was a kind of Cold War reason.
That what if the person who's going to be our Werner Von Braun, the
person who's going to invent the next great military weapon gets killed
in a trench somewhere? You can't have that. So Hershey got the idea of
giving essentially an IQ test to all college students and the high
scorers would not have to go to Korea.
it turned out that America hadn't gotten used to this system yet. This
is 1951. It was wildly unpopular. People said, "Hey wait a minute!
You're going to give this IQ test to college kids and people who have
high IQs don't have to fight for their country? Let the poor and the
dumb go fight? Keep these guys out of the line of fire? No way!" So
there was a blizzard of controversy. Editorial cartoons, radio
commentary, it was very, very unpopular.
Chauncey had to sort of go out and sell America on this test and kind
of quiet all the storms. And he did that very, very effectively. He ran
the test with his usual administrative skill and the test made a huge
profit for ETS and sort of got it through it's initial crisis
financially. And by the time they ran through that money they had been
adopted by enough colleges that they could make money from operations.
was a key moment for ETS, it was a key moment for America, because it
sold the idea of putting people who get high IQ scores into a separate
category where they get special treatment. And that it is a good idea.
Was the Selective Service test an SAT test?
Hershey wanted to just give an IQ test, and Chauncey was smart enough
to know, and sort of take him aside and say General, that's not a good
idea. That's very bad PR. Let's instead give the SAT.
In 1947 Henry Chauncey had actually setup a branch office out in Berkeley, California. Can you talk about Henry's California plans?
grew out of an organization called the College Board. College Board
still exists in a different form. But the College Board was a trade
association of 40 or 50 prestigious private colleges in the Northeast.
The Ivy League schools, a few liberal arts colleges, Seven Sisters
schools, and so on. That was the College Board.
the SAT was the test for the College Board. Conant and Chauncey didn't
want to be in the business of administering a test for admission for a
few fancy, private Eastern schools. These are guys who thought big.
the key thing really, the key idea from the very beginning, even before
the beginning, was to get the University of California as a client.
Number one, it nationalizes the whole testing system. Because it's all
the way over on the West Coast.
two, California, it was clear then, was on it's way to becoming the
biggest state in the country. It's a big, important state. The
university system is the biggest university system, or on it's way to
becoming. So, if you could get the University of California that would
be the kind of anchor client for the whole testing system. It would show
that it was national, it would show that it was public as well as
private, and more mundanely, there's a lot of test takers there. And a
lot of revenue there. It's a big customer. It's ETS's biggest customer.
it was very important and ETS waged a lengthy campaign. And it had to
be lengthy 'cause it took a long time. There was a lot of resistance. It
took 20 years from the time the first ETS West Coast office was opened
in Berkeley until the SAT became a requirement for all applicants to the
University of California.
Tell me about Conant and Clark Kerr.
Kerr really built the great University of California system and Conant
built ETS, they sort of go together. They to my mind are the two big
visionaries in the American meritocracy. And of course they were friends
and had an elaborate respect for each other. And you know, paid state
visits to each other's universities. They had essentially the same
vision for America: that you would have this new elite made up of people
who were very high intelligence, high academic skills.
They would preside over a kind of big, liberal society with big government, but universities, would be technocratic, selfless public servants.
built a lot of new schools and so on. But both men at heart were
elitists. That was the prime thing. Kerr was on the board of Educational
Testing Service all through the '50s. And was clearly an ally to ETS in
the struggle to use the SAT as an admissions device at the University.
in his master plan for education, which made him famous around the
world in the early '60s, he very much tightened the access to Berkeley
in particular. He wanted Berkeley to be a highly selective world class
university...and a world renown research oriented faculty. He wanted to
change the nature of Berkeley.
dramatically overnight, but move it distinctly away from being a state
land-grant college which it was originally, into being a kind of German
style, high end research university that had a star faculty and
identified and trained the elite of the state of California. He moved it
very effectively in that direction. And requiring the SATs was part of
that move.
Can you talk a little bit about the history of the acceptance of the SAT at Cal?
what happened with the SAT. ETS setup it's first office in Berkeley in
1947, and began sort of establishing relations with the University of
California, with the powers that be there, in hopes of getting them to
adopt the SAT as a requirement. Clark Kerr in the early '50s was put on
the board of ETS when he was a sort of young rising star.
is amazing is how long it took. It took 20 years to get the SAT
required. It was first used on an experimental basis. Then it was used
as an admissions device for out of state students, but not in state
students. There was a real resistance in the legislature, and even the
older faculty to making California high school grads jump over that SAT
hurdle in order to get to the University. It just took a long time to
put that across.
Why the resistance?
idea was that it's a public University. It's our University. It should
be, if not open to all, relatively open and with easy access. The idea
that Berkeley existed to create a meritocratic elite was not an idea
that had much relevance in the state of California, you know, outside of
Clark Kerr's head in the 1950s or even in the 1960s. That just wasn't
the purpose of the University at the time.
It was like a public utility or a public park or a freeway. It was supposed to be as open as it could be to all.
And at one point in 1962 the University said it wasn't going to use the SAT?
was a long see-saw battle over the use of SATs. They were used
experimentally. They were required for out-of-state, they were briefly
required for in-state, they were then dropped for in-state. But then
they were reinstituted for everybody. The real key points here are,
number one it shows you that it was controversial, adapting the SAT. It
took 20 years to get them adopted at the University of California. It
didn't just happen like that because it went against the vision of the
University as an open land-grant public university. Second thing is,
Kerr's master plan in the early '60s was what really set in motion the
processes that led to requiring the SAT, because it tightened
eligibility, and it explicitly provided for the use of standardized
tests in admissions in a piece of legislation.
the master plan sets the stage. And then the other shoe drops in the
'80s when applications just go through the roof. And then you have
another complicated series of admissions events that leads to the SAT
being used as the way to decide who gets this scarce, precious resource, admission to Berkeley.
You mentioned the Asian explosion in the '80s... You make an interesting comparison between the Jews in the '20s and the Asians in the '80s. Can you talk about that?
first group to use this meritocratic system to make it were the Jews.
And Jews were rising very fast through the system, particularly in the
immediate post-World War II decades.
then starting around 1980, the action shifted, and the rising group
that was outperforming where they were in the society tended to be
Asian-Americans--in particular, Chinese-Americans. Now why does that
happen? There's a whole lot of reasons. One reason is just people are
hungry and motivated, and they see this as an arena of opportunity.
there's a more particular reason which applies in different ways both
to Jews and to Asians, which is, given what the system is, given how the
system defines merit, it basically defines merit as studiousness, and
ability to get good grades in school. And it tremendously glorifies book
learning and study. In both Jews and Asians, you have people who come
from long cultural traditions that are already in that place that
American society got to in the late twentieth century...Within the
ethnic culture there's a tremendous value put on studying, learning,
scholarship, in the case of Asian-Americans, specifically on testing.
well over a thousand years, there's been in various Asian countries
starting with China, systems of distributing prestige and rewards on the
basis of how you do on exams. So this stuff is really rooted
culturally, and people who grow up in the culture tend to be unusually
well-equipped to sort of deal with the American meritocracy.
admissions is a very complicated subject because they keep changing the
rules every few years. Every few years there's an outside event, or
there's a new commission, or something leads to a change in the rules.
But during the period from the late 1980s up through the mid 1990s, in
other words, the period leading up to Prop 209,Berkeley probably had the
most SAT-dependent admit policy of any school in the country. And the
reason is Jerry Karabel, a professor of sociology at Berkeley, headed a
faculty committee to reform admissions policy. Karabel is portrayed as a
wild-eyed radical.
But he actually pushed Berkeley admissions to the right a couple of notches.
instituted, and the faculty later put in place a policy where half the
class of Berkeley was admitted by pure numbers--the computer would tell
you who to admit, for half the class.
the places were reserved for those people. And it was a formula mixing
SAT scores and grade point averages in high school. Problem is, because
of another ETS test, the AP exam, lots and lots of thousands of high
school kids in California graduate from high school with 4.0 averages.
Berkeley would then only record a 4.0 average. So half the applicant
pool, or something like that, would be topped out on grades, and so the
only way to distinguish these kids were their SAT scores. So that's
where I say that half of the class was being admitted almost solely on
the basis of SAT scores for that period of time.
It's not true now?
It's not true now, because they've changed the admissions policy twice since then.
So they admit over the 4.0s?
main change at Berkeley at admissions has been their moving toward the
Ivy League, the expensive Ivy League system of the kind of holistic
assessment of each applicant individually, rather than feeding them into
the computer according to a formula.
What's the significance of the book, The Shape of the River?
one sense, The Shape of the River is a book that's written for an
audience of nine people--the nine people that the book is really aimed
at are the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
in the liberal, higher education establishment knows that there is
going to be a big higher education affirmative action case. There hasn't
been one since Bakke in the mid 1970s. So it's been a long time. It's
been more than two decades now.
whole situation is just begging for a Supreme Court decision, because
it is just all this fighting and contention about the key issue, which
is "can universities take race into account as a plus factor in
admissions decisions? Is that constitutional or not?"
what Bok and Bowen are doing in that book is they know that case is
coming. It's probably going to be the University of Michigan case. It
might be some other case. And they want to arm the Supreme Court with
the best possible arguments in favor of taking race into account in
that's one thing that The Shape of the River is. It's a very elaborate,
kind of an amicus brief for a Supreme Court case that is coming, but
hasn't happened yet.
the other thing is, all through the '80s and '90s, there was an
outpouring of anti-affirmative action writing by a wide range of people.
Shelby Steele, Abigail and Stephen Thernstrom, and they're only the
beginning. The whole argument developed against affirmative action, and
what you tended to have was--it went unanswered. The anti-affirmative
action people were the outsiders and renegades who had voice. And the
people who were for affirmative action were the authority figures, the
university presidents who kind of did things behind closed doors, and
they were silent.
you had an attack going on, and you didn't have a defense to the attack
from the people who were being attacked. I think Bok and Bowen's book
represents those folks, or at least two of those folks deciding, "You
know what? We've got to answer these arguments now. We can't just ignore
them, and think they're being made by nuts. We've got to take them
seriously and answer them."
Do you think that the arguments are persuasive?
think it's very persuasive on what is not that broad of a point. It's
very persuasive on the idea that at the Harvard and Princeton style of
university, affirmative action works. And that the leading arguments
against it at that kind of university are wrong.
incredibly good on that point, and very, very persuasive. Where it
doesn't really address the question is a university like Berkeley or
other public universities. It's really about university admissions at
universities that have big admission staffs that read each applicant's
folder and discuss it individually, and make very nuanced judgments.
not about schools that admit by machine, that pay very cursory
attention to each application, or about schools that have high drop-out
rates. It's just not about that part of the world nearly as much. So the
model isn't applicable to most public universities.
Wouldn't you think that their arguments could just as easily apply to universities like California or Texas?
you read the book, and you hear them speak, really what they're talking
about is a model of folder reading admissions. They're saying: "This is
how a university should decide who to let in. They should take the
applicant's folder, which has a whole bunch of information in it,
including as essay, including recommendations, transcripts, test scores.
They should consider it as a whole. They should try to build a picture
of the applicant. They should talk with each other about it, and they
should make a nuanced judgment about whom to let in, and whom not to let
in." And by the way, they can consider racial diversity as a plus
factor in making that decision.
just aren't that many universities in the United States that are set up
to operate that way. Berkeley is sort of setting itself up to operate
that way. University of Texas is not set up to operate that way. And it
will be a long time before it is. And most public universities aren't
set up to operate that way. So their model is a little bit narrow.
If Bok and Bowen find that a kid with an SAT score that's even three hundred points less than another kid fares well at an Ivy League school, shouldn't the same apply at Cal or UCLA?
are a couple of points that are tricky here. The strongest argument of
the opponents of affirmative action is simply that race should be
impermissible in any decision. Race is a uniquely offensive factor for
public agencies to consider in making decisions. And they should never
be allowed to consider it for any reason.
and Bowen are making a practical argument, and so they don't really
answer that question. That is a philosophical question which is part of
the coming Supreme Court case. They also don't really say, when you read
the fine print, and the charts and so on, that 300-point gaps in SAT
scores are immaterial to how kids are going to do in school.
if they said that, then they would have to say, "Well, let's not have
SATs." And they actually argue for, you know, putting the SATs as part
of the information in the folder.
saying instead, "It's predictive. It's useful. But it's not dispositive
and shouldn't be dispositive. And that with enough information and
expertise, you can make a kind of nuanced judgment about a person."
the reason it's not perfectly applicable to a school like Berkeley, or a
school like Texas, is you can't say, "I take away from The Shape of the
River that we can just ignore SAT scores from now on. We can just throw
them out, or even not even require them, and still have a kind of
cursory admissions procedure, and it won't matter. You won't have any of
these problems if people with low SAT scores are under-performing
academically, because Bok and Bowen have shown that such things don't
haven't shown that. They've shown that really careful, well-run
affirmative action systems work. And by the way, Berkeley had that
before Prop 209. Berkeley was a real model of how to do affirmative
action right. They didn't have any of these sort of disastrously high
minority drop-out, and flunk-out rates, or anything like that. They were
doing it quite well. It was a success.
Bok and Bowen say with a ban on affirmative action you're telegraphing to various races--you don't have a chance at these universities. And you're also ensuring that certain students won't go to school with students of color.
worst argument of the opponents of affirmative action, and the one that
Bok and Bowen are best at blowing out of the water, is this kind of
argument out of false concern, that it is only for the good of the
minority students, you know? There's a lot of kind of crocodile tear
shedding going on around affirmative action.
breaks our heart to see these poor, minority kids being kind of
tormented for the sake of white, liberal consciences, by being put where
they really can't compete academically, et cetera. And it's only to
help them that we want to abolish affirmative action." Well, that's
ridiculous. That's not the real motive. Bok and Bowen just hit that one
right out of the park. So they're very good on that point.
other thing about the opponents of affirmative action is it comes back
to this idea of what is meritocracy, and what is merit, and what is this
a system that everybody lives in now, and you just take for granted.
It's always existed. It's like the air, it's like the grass, it's like
the flowers. It's just part of the natural world. Well, it's not. It's a
thing that was built and constructed by particular people for
particular reasons. They were idealistic people but they had ideas. Some
things won out over other things. But it is not the only possible
meritocracy. It's a highly particularized kind of meritocracy.
the people who are most against affirmative action tend to think, you
know, this meritocracy is the only possible meritocracy. You know, so if
you don't have this kind of meritocracy, and let the chips fall where
they may, don't adjust the results of the test scores at all, then, you
know, madness is the result. You can't have any system that rewards
talent. You can't have any system that is fair. It's this idea that you
have to have this particular system that we have, which is assumed to be
a kind of natural thing made by God or something, or total chaos, a
totally unfair system.
action, by the way, is not a threat to this system of meritocracy. The
same folks who brought you the American meritocracy are the folks who
brought you affirmative action. And affirmative action was built into
the system later to correct flaws of the system. But it was supposed to
be an integral part of the same system. It's not the opposite of
meritocracy. It's a part of this kind of strange meritocratic apparatus
we have. It's a patch on the meritocracy to make it run better.
According to people like John Yoo, a professor at UC Berkeley Boalt Law School, the standards were lowered during the past 20 years because of affirmative action.
standards of 20 years ago were actually much lower than the standards
of the affirmative action era. Berkeley's graduation rate--I believe
this is still true--has gone up every single year, year by year. In the
height of affirmative action it was still going up, the overall
graduation rate of Berkeley was still going up every year, including the
white graduation rate.
base line is in a different place from where some critics of
affirmative action think it was. And affirmative action does not mean a
throwing out of all standards. It means an adjusting of whom you let in.
So it's really exaggerated and wrong to say that if you have
affirmative action, it means you have abandoned all standards. I mean
just, as the Thernstroms point out, even under affirmative action,
admissions is fiercely meritocratic for minorities. There's an elaborate
selection system for minorities trying to get the best minorities under
an affirmative action system that they disagree with. So the idea that
all standards are being thrown out is ridiculous.
Can you talk about an inherent tension between meritocracy and the civil rights movement?
the second half of the twentieth century, you had two big social
movements going on in this country. One was the drive to establish mass
higher education, elaborately tracked, with standardized tests for
everybody feeding into that. And that that would be the kind of
personnel system or opportunity system of the country. That's how people
got where they were going. The idea was--to make this society better.
other is to have more opportunity for minorities, particularly
African-Americans. Those two goal are in fairly direct contradiction
with each other. Because the more you make test scores matter, the more
you bring to the fore the historic and still existing, although smaller,
racial gap in test scores. So, race inevitably becomes an issue in the
operation of a meritocracy.
a fundamental problem at the heart of the American meritocracy. And
this is what it is. The meritocracy arrived in a great cloud of rhetoric
about creating a perfect classless, democratic society with opportunity
for all as the main principle. The way the system works is you
distribute opportunity on the basis of test scores and educational
When you decide to do that you run right smack into the test score gap. And you end up providing a little bit less opportunity and classlessness and democracy for, on average, African-Americans, who tend to get lower test scores. Let's talk about the Supreme Court decisions.
landmark Supreme Court decisions of the 1950's and 60's were almost all
unanimous decisions. Starting with the Brown v. Board of Education. And
this wasn't an accident. It was important to the Supreme Court to
create unanimous decisions so that the public would obey the ruling--to
create a sense of this is a really strong position.
you go to the Bakke case. The Bakke case is the least clarion call-like
Supreme Court decision imaginable. Let's look at that case, where the
decisions were sharply divided. It's five to four one way on one of the
two issues and five to four the other way on the other of the two
issues. So, it's an incredibly thinly sliced decision. And furthermore,
although I don't think they realized this, it's probably one of the most
widely violated Supreme Court decisions there is. And proposes a
standard that just can't be followed by most universities in America.
not only is it really complicated and hard to explain to people, but it
is a split decision and also a virtually unenforceable decision. It's a
very bad case to have this whole business rest on.
Terry Pell from the CIR said that the University of Michigan violated Bakke very clearly. Are you familiar with all of this?
Bakke standard is really hard to follow unless you're Harvard. And the
wording in the decision came from the Harvard amicus brief. It's all
about using race as a factor to achieve diversity in no specifiable way.
Well, state universities don't have these big admissions officers with
people reading folders and discussing and debating that--and in coming
to decisions in kind of subtle, indefinable ways. They have tons of
applications flowing in and they like to work by numbers.
They divide the applications into piles. They assign numbers to things. They work much more statistically.
what Bakke says is, you can consider race, but you can't consider race
in any explicit way. It's very hard to follow. So it just invites
universities, especially without lavishly funded admissions offices to
violate the ruling. And they have.
What about Thernstrom's notion that if blacks and Latinos don't get to go Cal or UCLA, they're going to wind up at Riverside for example?
living in a system that is made explicitly to create very large
differences in your life outcome depending on where you went to school.
And that's the system we live in. That's the American meritocracy. It
was set up to do that. A big theme in The Shape of the River is how much
better life goes for you if you go to Harvard or one of their elite
schools, than if you go to State U.
you know, the people who want to go to UC Berkeley instead of UC
Riverside, they're not crazy. They have perfectly good reasons to want
to go there, because it is a much better school, and it puts you in the
way of more opportunity. The UC did not set itself up to make all the UC
campuses functionally equal. Or to make UC and Cal State functionally
equal. It's a tracked system. And so, it's quite natural for people want
to be on the best track.
cascading argument can be made in reverse and you know, a few white
kids were cascaded themselves because of affirmative action. Some white
kids--not that many, a handful--were getting displaced from places like
Berkeley, sent a little bit down the line to go to another school,
because of affirmative action. And look at the outrage that caused.
What do you think of the suit by the seven kids against UC Berkeley?
know, what we're having here is the kind of shoot-out at the
meritocracy corral. Because, a system was put in place fifty years ago
that is really enormously consequential for the way the country lives.
In other words, when we wrote the Constitution, we had a Constitutional
Convention. We debated everything publicly. And then we voted on it,
state by state.
didn't happen when we set up the American meritocracy. All of these
questions have never been really decided by the public--is it okay to
distribute a valuable public resource on the basis of test scores? Why
are we creating an educationally derived elite? What are these people
supposed to do with their lives? Do they owe anything to the society?
Who are they supposed to be.
mean, these are legitimate questions that should be debated. So, in
that sense, I think Prop 209 and this lawsuit are both healthy
developments. Because it kind of gets a discussion going that should
have taken place fifty years ago.
What about the notion you don't have to make a hard choice between diversity and affirmative action, especially with flagship campuses?
don't really buy that. I mean, the problem is the system has been set
up to put enormous emphasis on admission to elite universities and
professional schools. That's the glittering prize, you know. There are a
finite number of places in these schools. If the system had been set up
to sort of let everybody into university who knows a certain amount of
stuff, then it wouldn't be a zero sum game. But, it is set up precisely
to be a zero sum. That's why Conant set it up. He wanted to take a
finite number of places in the elite, kick out the people who had them
and bring in new people who had them.
So, you know, unfortunately, this is a tough issue, like a lot of issues. It's not an easy issue. If you eliminate all affirmative action, you're going to have strikingly whiter kind of meritocratic mandarin elite. You just will. And it matters, because the system exists. What about outreach programs?
programs are not new and they were not invented in response to Prop
209. Berkeley already had a quite elaborate outreach program. And also,
very important in all this, an excellent program to help minority kids
once they got to the campus, if they weren't well-prepared for the
academic work.
Outreach doesn't obviate the problem, because there is still a fixed number of slots in the school. And there's two things about out reach. First of all, any outreach program that's for minority kids is illegal under Prop 209. You can't take race into account. You can't have programs to help minority kids, because that is illegal. It's exactly what Prop 209 made illegal. You can't do it.
you still have to face the question. You have the outreach program. You
find the kid. You get him to apply to Berkeley. He's black. He's from
the ghetto. And he has lower SAT scores than the white kid from the
You're still violating Prop 209. You're still sort of practicing affirmative action, if you let in the kid from the outreach program over the kid with higher score from the suburbs. You just are. There's no way around the dilemma because it's all about setting aside test scores for social engineering type reasons, to distribute a finite number of places. A lot of times in the public today what you get is an argument between the good meritocracy and bad affirmative action...
and affirmative action are part of the same system. They were invented
by the same people more or less. And the purpose of them is to create or
engineer through testing and the higher education system an elite to
sit atop the society. Meritocracy, what we call meritocracy, is a sort
of a particular system of picking people for that elite on one set of
abilities. Affirmative action is trying to twist the dials a bit to get
more minority representation into the meritocracy--the meritocratic
So they're not opposites at all. They're sort of one system. And then the second system piggy backing on top of this first.
believed too many people were going to college in the 1930's. And
consistently advocated cutting the number of people who went to college.
So this system was not started by people who wanted to very broadly
expand educational opportunity. It was started by people who wanted to
create an educationally derived elite. That's the sort of kernel
assumption in the system.
No, this fight over affirmative action tends to be a fight between people who have bought into that assumption. The Shape of the River
does not really question the premise that there should be a kind of
anointed group who go to highly selective schools and are put on the
track to something better than everybody else. It just says you should
use affirmative action in choosing those people. But, you should still
have the elite. The opponents of affirmative action say, don't use
affirmative action. But, they, too, buy into the idea that's how you
should have this kind of chosen elite in this country.
The really radical position would be to say, 'You know what? We shouldn't have an educationally derived elite. That's not a good idea.' When John Adams got the letter from Jefferson saying this country should have a natural aristocracy. He wrote back and said, no, no, no, that's a bad idea. Because, the point is not that it's a natural aristocracy, but that it's an aristocracy. This is a democracy. It's not supposed to have an aristocracy.
as long as you are wedded to the idea, I really think after many years
with this subject that the idea of having a liberal, almost radically
democratic and classless society built around the idea of selecting an
elite at an early age to go to fancy colleges is just unworkable. This
system just does not, in and of itself, promote democracy. Democracy is
sort of a separate good that should be promoted in different ways.
It seems that our society has almost wholeheartedly embraced the SAT.
test has been, you know, fetishized. This whole culture and frenzy and
mythology has been built around SATs. Tests, in general, SATs, in
particular, and everybody seems to believe that it's a measure of how
smart you are or your innate worth or something.
I mean, the level of obsession over these tests is way out of proportion to what they actually measure. And ETS, the maker of test, they don't actively encourage the obsession, but they don't actively discourage it either. Because they do sort of profit from it. I mean, every time somebody takes an SAT, it's money to the ETS and the College Board.
there is something definitely weird about the psychological importance
these tests have in America versus what they actually measure. And
indeed, what difference do they make? Because, there's two thousand
colleges in the United States, and 1,950 of them are pretty much
unselective. So, the SAT is a ticket to a few places.
Do you think that Conant's vision or Henry Chauncey's vision has been corrupted or perverted? Or do you think it has been fulfilled?
think if Conant were alive, and you asked what he would say. He would
say, the system works in a certain way very, very well. What it does
very, very well is produce highly trained professionals who are the best
in the world. America has really good professors. It has really good
doctors. It has really good scientists. It's very important to Conant to
create a group of highly skilled technicians at the top of the society.
That would be, I think, the thing he was proudest of.
I think there's no way he could look at America today and say, my dreams of a classless society have been--have been fulfilled. I think what would disappoint him is that the system turned out to be, you know, more friendly to the creation and preservation of inherited privilege than he dreamed. And much less friendly to the kind of, you know, big government, liberal society that he wanted to create. How has test prep changed over the years?
I was growing up in Louisiana, I was very vaguely aware of test prep,
and nobody I knew took test prep. Nobody really worried that much about
this whole process. In the world I'm in now on the East Coast, test prep
is one of the Stations of the Cross for the upper-middle class of
America. And it seems like everybody takes test prep. And everybody has a
sort of testing awareness. Even shockingly little kids. There just is
this culture of obsession about the SATs that is creepy and unhealthy.
It really distorts education because it leads to a very instrumental
view of education, that education is about what scores you get on these
tests. And it kind of undervalues things like going off and reading a
particularly suburban towns, go insane over their average test scores.
Not just SATs but other tests too. I live in a town where the good news
is, everybody goes to public school, and the bad news, if it is bad
news, is test scores are just supremely important. And the reason
they're important is because of real estate values.
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