I predict that President-elect Barack Obama's cabinet will not be as diverse- in terms of race and nationality -as the Bush administration-- the most diverse presidential administration ever. I also predict that the Obama cabinet will be a center-right cabinet... not that much different than the Bush administration. I predict this because Obama believes in the capitalist system and believes that it can be fixed for the betterment of those corporate rulers... and therefore, having benefits trickling down to the ordinary citizens of the US.
I also predict this because Barack Obama must never ever show any sign of "racial favoritism".... Hence, he will not try to reflect the demographic reality of the US in his cabinet. Obama is defined as a postracial man in a postracial world. This new myth has and will be used by those who rule to enshroud/obfuscate racism and race relations from this day forward.
The next couple of weeks will reveal to the more progressive "for change" forces in this nation that we need to immediately keep Obama's feet to the social change/social justice fire. Without a vigilant, persistent and organized progressive front on ALL the issues, Obama will go down in history as the Continuator of the Bush-Clinton imperial global bumrushing policies at home and abroad.
About Obama's Cabinet
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
"Without a vigilant, persistent and organized progressive front on ALL the issues, Obama will go down in history as the Continuator of the Bush-Clinton imperial global bumrushing policies at home and abroad." (quote)
You have a lot tea leaf commentary in your post, I need more revealed substantive sources before me to even begin to agree or disagree with your post.
Obama is not the Black messiah. Whether he was elected or not, we owe it to ourselves to aggressively pursue the issues that affect us with a view to change. We owe it to ourselves to me vigilant in our monitoring of our elected officials.
Yes we can does not mean a total dependence on the government or the President. By the way , the first Clinton cabinet was the most diverse in history.
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