Tuesday, November 10, 2015

BLACK MINDS MATTER- From Sacremento to San Diego and Beyond

Black Minds Matter: Supporting the Educational Success of Black Children in California 
... examines how the nearly 1 million Black youth in California are faring from preschool through college and reveals the distressing disparities that newly released state and national data show persist at all levels of their educational journey. The report also highlights the groundbreaking efforts underway to reverse these trends in California and close achievement and opportunity gaps for African American students.
The California Alliance of African American Educators (CAAAE) partnered with The Education Trust-West, California Student Aid Commission and Umoja Programs to engineer a Black Minds Matter Summit in Sacramento on November 5, 2015. It was an "off-the-chain" event! The summit was to publicly announce the release of the report by the same name about how Black students are faring in California.

The rally was held on the steps of the Capitol with about 300 mostly Black high-schoolers and about 600 mostly Black college students from around the state of California. There were at least 100 chaperones, guests and onlookers that swelled the crowd to 1,000. Each student and chaperone wore a t-shirt that said "Young, Gifted and Black" on the front and #blackmindsmatter on the back.
One of the speakers at the rally was Hatim Mansori

After the rally, all 900 students and chaperones boarded buses to the Red Lion Hotel about 15 minutes from the Capitol where they did Data Equity Walks looking at how Black students are faring academically around the state. In pairs, they then discussed the data and its implications for their schools.

After the Data Equity Walks and Closing Comments, the college students left and the high school students took a 20 minute break before going into afternoon workshops about how to build leadership teams and how to use the data to create a plan of action at their school sites designed to combat those factors (truancy, suspensions, expulsions, lack of access to AP courses, etc.) that impede the progress of Black students.

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