Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Short Short Video of the 26th Annual Coney Island Tribute to the Ancestors

Hundreds Turn Out for Day Long Tribute to the Ancestors Who Resisted the MiddlePassage and Slavery

Here's a very short moment in a daylong event that took place on Saturday 13 June in Brooklyn's Coney Island Beach:

IMG 2839 from s e anderson on Vimeo.

This is the 26th year of a paying tribute to African Ancestors who fought for freedom during the 400+ years of the slave trade and chattel slavery. Hundreds of people of African Ancestry turned out for a day long celebration and commemoration that wound up with about 125 people going to the Atlantic Ocean's shore and placing flowers and fruit in the ocean as offerings to those millions of African who died during the horrific Middle Passage of being captured, held at many forts on Africa's West and East coasts, and forced to endure and resist weeks/months long crossings of the Atlantic to the Americas.

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