Saturday, August 24, 2013

Baltimore College-Bound, Elijah Miles, Passionately Speaks of Education for Liberation Beyond Self

A summer intern at Teach For America Baltimore, Elijah Miles delivered this inspiring speech to a group of incoming teachers at institute. Wise well beyond his years, we think Elijah's words are a great reminder about why we do the work that we do.

Elijah will begin college at Morgan State in the fall.
Teach For America- not by design, but by mere statistical odds only -has a few politically and racially conscious teachers sprinkled thruout their programs. Obviously Elijah Miles came across one or two during his sojourn thru Baltimore's high school system. Clearly, if TfA replicated these teachers' pedagogical skills, they would lose a ton of their corporate money and would be distanced from the Obama Education-Industrial Cabal.

Public education in today's US is not supposed to produce Elijah Miles-type young Black males who are unwilling to just think selfishly and ignore poverty and racism.

Our struggle is to help all the Elijah Mileses get thru college still believing in the need to uplift Community as one uplift's self and family.

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