Friday, May 03, 2013

Criminalization of Black Youth Taken to a New Racist Level
16 Year Old Sister Scholar's Chemistry Experiment Morphs into a "Terrorist Act"!

May 01, 2013

The school-to-prison pipeline at work

Chris Hayes is joined by Khary Lazarre-White to discuss the implications of the harsh punishment inflicted upon one Florida teen for conducting a science experiment on her school’s premises.

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SIGN The Petition to Free Kiera Wilmot and Drop All Charges!
  • Target: Polk County School District, Florida
  • Sponsored by: Lynn Hamilton

Like all young women, sixteen-year old Kiera Wilmot was curious. Like all teenagers in America, she was taught to think creatively. So why has she been permanently expelled from Bartow High School and facing felony charges for conducting an impromptu science experiment?
Wilmot was curious about how two common household products -- toilet bowl cleaner and aluminum foil -- would react, so she mixed them together in a water bottle. To her surprise and everyone else's, these seemingly harmless, grocery store items caused a small explosion. However, no one was hurt and no school property was damaged.

Certainly, Wilmot made a mistake. But the penalty her school has imposed is far too harsh. She is currently facing the felony charges of discharging a weapon and will have to stand trial as an adult. Additionally, she has been permanently expelled from her high school.
Please ask Polk County School District to drop the felony charges against this student and let her return to high school immediately!

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