Monday, January 21, 2013


Black Educational Excellence:  Cameron Clarke Receives Perfect SAT Score

With all the media coverage criticizing black men, it’s always great to hear of those making extraordinary accomplishments in their lives. One such achiever is Cameron Clarke, 18, of Fort Washington.

The senior at Germantown Academy in Fort Washington, PA, received a perfect score on his SAT (2400). He is one of 360 students who received a perfect score this year out of 1.66 million test-takers, according to SAT officials.

The National Merit Scholarship semifinalist told this accomplishment is a result of hard work:

“I put in a lot of work. I took a prep class with some of my friends, and I did a lot of practice tests from a book. But that only prepares you so much. The difference between getting, like, a 2400 and a couple of points lower is just focus.”

Both focus and persistence can be credited for Clarke’s perfect score. He scored a 2190 the first time he took the SAT. Clarke then took the test a second time, believing he could score even higher. And that he did.

His next goal? Attending his dream college: Princeton. The academic superstar, who writes for his school paper, participates in a math club, tutors other students, and is a senator in his school’s student government, has a great shot.

Senior With Perfect SAT Score: 'I Try to Give Back'

Philadelphia teen Cameron Clarke, who achieved a perfect SAT score (Fox News)

Cameron Clarke, an African-American high school senior from Philadelphia, is being celebrated for getting a perfect score on the SAT exam, reports Fox News. His academic achievement is enormous, but we're equally impressed by what he said to local news station Fox 29 about his priorities, his real passion and the beyond-his-years value he places on the support of his community.
On when he found out:
"I woke up and checked my score on my cell phone and I didn't believe it at first, so I kept refreshing the page and after five to 10 times refreshing I woke my parents up. 'Mom, dad I got a perfect score!'"
On the worst moment during the exam:
"I realized with 5 minutes to spare that I made a mistake and I need to erase 35 bubbles and go back and write them in the right sections. So that was kind of the low point of the day for me." 
On why he doesn't spend all his time studying:
"Music is what takes up most of my time," Cameron says. He is the [principal] cellist of the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra, and involved at school as the editor on the school newspaper, a writing advisor in the school's writing center, senator in the student government, is involved in the math club, and in multiple honor societies, Fox 29 reports.
Oh his college plans:
"My first choice is probably Princeton University, I applied early action."
On his time in high school: 

"I try to stay busy here as much as I can just because the community has given so much to me, and I try to give back in whatever ways I can."

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