Thursday, June 21, 2012

Progressive New Yorkers Stand With Charles Barron's Run for US Congress

Pres Conference held on the steps of City Hall on Thursday 21 June 2012.

Concerned and Progressive Citizens Call for an End to the Smear Campaign Against the Congressional Candidate, Charles Barron

Stop the smear campaign! 

We urge New Yorkers to reject the fear campaign being waged against City Council Member Charles Barron. Such tactics discourage voter participation and infringe upon democratic expression. Voters need to be encouraged to go to the polls.

Following recent press coverage of Charles’ growing support, an effort has begun to undermine his candidacy through unmerited personal attacks. We are New York City residents who know that these attacks are not truthful and are not based in reality.

We know Charles personally from his involvement in fighting for the things that matter to the people of New York. He has been with us in fighting for affordable housing, new and quality schools and parks. We know Charles because he has been standing up for workers, students, and  the environment (especially against fracking). He continues to champion healthcare for all, immigrants rights, standing for human needs and not war. His firm opposition to stop and frisk and advocacy for civil and human rights for all from Brooklyn and worldwide have been a hallmark of his City Council tenure.

We encourage all voters in the 8th Congressional District to come out and vote their conscience as well as encourage your neighbors, friends, family and co-workers to do so.

The future of the 8th  district is at stake.

We New Yorkers have the freedom to choose.

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