Monday, March 26, 2012

 Afrikaner Racism Is Still Alive Inside "Rainbow" South Africa 
New VideoDoc: Afrikaner Blood

Thanx, in part, to South Africa's super conciliatory "Truth & Reconciliation Commission," rabid white supremacists are free to roam the nation spreading their racist hate without fear of reprisals. Groups like the KommandoKorps can exist and grow into strong paramilitary terrorist formations while ANC and its white liberal allies perform even more nervous hang-wringing rituals.

<<The shocking video Afrikaner Blood by Elles van Gelder and Ilvy Njiokiktjien from the Netherlands has just won first prize in the World Press Photo multimedia category. This slideshow comprises photographs of young white South African teenagers who attend a holiday camp set up by a right-wing racist group.>> Pambazuka News (

Multimedia production by journalist/videographer Elles van Gelder & photojournalist Ilvy Njiokiktjien about the right-wing organization Kommandokorps in South Africa.

White South African teens wrestle with an uncertain identity. An extreme right-wing group is teaching young Afrikaners to eschew Nelson Mandela's vision of a multicultural rainbow nation. The fringe group Kommandokorps, led by old-apartheid leader Franz Jooste, organizes camps in school holidays where Afrikaner teenagers learn to defend themselves against crime in South Africa. But that's not all. They learn they are their own people - not South Africans but Afrikaners - that shouldn't integrate in the new democratic South Africa.

Below is a teaser for the Akrikaner Blood documentary.

Uploaded to by on Dec 11, 2011

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