Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Love, That's America"
Melvin Van Peebles' 1978 Song Still On Point 33 Years Later

From on Nov 14, 2011

Love, That's America is a song written by iconic, legendary and revolutionary filmmaker Melvin Van Peebles, who is best known as the Godfather of Blaxploitation film.

He wrote this song in 1978 as a poignant criticism of the state of race and class in the U.S.

The great irony is that thirty-three years later, the song couldn't be more relevant given the treatment of black, brown, red, yellow and poor people the world over.

It is his testament against endless wars, police brutality, racism, class-ism, sexism and predatory corporatism.
But most importantly, it is his testament of love for the people.

The song has found new life on the internet, and this video, produced by BW Moving Images.(

Thank you to all of the independent media outlets and camera phone videographers who were brave enough to capture this footage and make it available for the world to see.

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