Monday, June 27, 2011

A Black Documentary The Needs Our Support
Below are clips from the upcoming documentary exploring the deep-seated biases and attitudes about skin color---particularly dark skinned women, outside of and within the Black American culture.

This film will be released in Fall/Winter 2011. Please "Like" the Dark Girls page on Facebook,so you will be kept updated with news there. Please support the Sisters and Brothers who have made this important documentary by helping raise money at​Dark-Girls-Movie

Directed by Bill Duke and D. Channsin Berry
Produced by Bill Duke for Duke Media
and D. Channsin Berry for Urban Winter Entertainment
Co-Produced by Bradinn French
Line Produced by Cheryl L. Bedford
Edited by Bradinn French 
Dark Girls: Preview from Bradinn French on Vimeo.


  1. I can only say that I came from two vastly contradicting backgrounds growing up that helped shape my worldview on skin tone growing up. In my home I had a healthy self image instilled in me that was totally underminded my by peers when I was in public school. I got teased pretty badly growing up for being lighter skinned. I got called all sorts of hateful names and even had a few plugs of my hair pulled out my scalp in the 4th grade. It wasn't until I became an adult and began to heal off some of those things that were done to be that I realize that the children who appeared to hate me the most were children who didn't like themselves. They were darker and I don't doubt they took out there hurt from home out on me(easy target). So I just look at it for what it is that hurt people "hurt people". We have to stop this cycle. My oldest child a girl came out Dark and she is georgeous and looks just like me. I have strangers that walk up to me and my 3 children and ask crazy questions like "Are they all yours?". Oh, is she your child too? It drives me crazy. My best friend who is my childs God mother use to walk around with us when she was an infant and I could be pushing the stroller or carrying her in a baby sling and they would still tell my friend(dark sister0 How beautiful "her" baby was! That was my praise! Thats my joy! But we just got some problems. I am glad that through homeschooling I have more time to mold my daughters self image in a positive way and explain things right away when we face challenges or ignorance. She seems way more adjusted about herself than I did at that age. I thank God everyday for my opportunity to break the cycle.

  2. Dear Black Educator,
    I am so happy to have stumbled upon your outstanding site! I linked the Dark Girls article here:
    I hope it helps to get the word out!

    Robin Foster
    Over Troubled Water
