Thursday, October 07, 2010

Recent Books That May Be of Interest to Black Scholars

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (JBHE) Weekly Bulletin regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. Here are the latest selections.

• Afro-Mexico: Dancing Between Myth and Reality by Anita Gonzalez (University of Texas Press)

• Before Brown: Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall, and the Long Road to Justice by Gary M. Lavergne (University of Texas Press)

• Benching Jim Crow: The Rise and Fall of the Color Line in Southern College Sports, 1890-1980 by Charles H. Martin (University of Illinois Press)

• Beyond Katrina: A Meditation on the Mississippi Gulf by Natasha Trethewey (University of Georgia Press)

• Black Families in Britain as the Site of Struggle
edited by Bertha Ochieng and Carl Hylton (Manchester University Press)

• Black Megachurch Culture: Models for Education and Empowerment by Sandra L. Barnes (Peter Lang Publishing)

• Crossing the Creek: The Literary Friendship of Zora Neale Hurston and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings by Anna Lillios (University Press of Florida)

• Lincoln and Darwin: Shared Visions of Race, Science, and Religion by James Lander (Southern Illinois University Press)

• Neither Jew Nor Gentile: Exploring Issues of Racial Diversity on Protestant College Campuses by George Yancey (Oxford University Press)

• Preaching With Sacred Fire: An Anthology of African American Sermons, 1750 to the Present edited by Martha Simmons and Frank A. Thomas (W.W. Norton)

• Reds, Whites, and Blues: Social Movements, Folk Music, and Race in the United States
by William G. Roy (Princeton University Press)

• Social Work With African American Males: Health, Mental Health, and Social Policy edited by Waldo E. Johnson Jr. (Oxford University Press)

• Sweet Solitude: New and Selected Poems
by Leonard A. Slade Jr. (State University of New York Press)

• Tasting Freedom: Octavius Catto and the Battle for Equality in Civil War America by Daniel R. Biddle and Murray Dubin (Temple University Press)

• The Quest for Citizenship: African American and Native American Education in Kansas, 1880-1935 by Kim Cary Warren (University of North Carolina Press)

• Thiefing Sugar: Eroticism Between Women in Caribbean Literature by Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley (Duke University Press)

• Tradition and the Black Atlantic: Critical Theory in the African Diaspora by Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Basic Books)

• Venture Smith and the Business of Slavery and Freedom edited by James Brewer Stewart (University of Massachusetts Press)

• What's Going On? Political Incorporation and the Transformation of Black Public Opinion by Katherine Tate (Georgetown University Press)

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