Monday, June 22, 2009

Capitalism's Crises Analysed

Video: Anwar Shaikh on Marx and the Global Economic Crisis

Submitted by Erin on June 9, 2009

Anwar Shaikh, Professor at the New School for Social Research, gives a Marxist account of historic fluctuations in the capitalist economy and how the current crisis fits in the overall picture. From the Marx and the Global Economic Crisis panel at Left Forum 2009, New York.

Shaikh's homepage, which includes an extensive selection of his articles on economics, can be found here:


Video: David McNally on Marx and the Global Economic Crisis

Submitted by Erin on June 9, 2009 - 2:59pm.

David McNally, Professor at York University and leading member of the New Socialist Group (Solidarity's sister organization in Canada,, talks about the roots of the the financial crisis and its precise role in the worldwide economic downturn--as well as the depth of its social costs. From the Marx and the Global Economic Crisis panel at the 2009 Left Forum in New York.

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