Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A State of Black Education Blog Is Up!

Sistas & Brothas,

If anyone is interested in helping to pull together one of the most important and largest gatherings of Blackfolk ready to make "Education for Liberation" real in 2008, please visit: http://sobenow.blogspot.com and volunteer.
• The State of Black Education (SOBE) is about developing national, regional and local MASS ACTIONS against all levels of institutional racism that our people at any age face when it comes to education in the US.
• The State of Black Education (SOBE) is also about developing a nationally accepted K-12 Curriculum that's African-centered, antiracist and scientifically up-to-date so that our children and ourselves can positively contribute to our survival, development and liberation from racial terror and economic tyranny.
• The State of Black Education (SOBE) is also about developing a national campaign to recruit more conscious Black teachers to reflect the demographic realities of the schools our children attend.
• The State of Black Education (SOBE) is also about developing a national campaign to support all the efforts to keep Black/African Studies alive and thriving on all college campuses.

• The State of Black Education (SOBE) is also about developing a national campaign to increase the number of Black college and university faculty in all disciplines.

Again, check us out at: http://sobenow.blogspot.com and volunteer.

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