Saturday, October 29, 2016

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Young, Connected and Black- Technology and African American "Millennials"

Young, Connected and Black

African-Americans are exuberant and reflective—optimistic about present-day advances in income, education, entrepreneurship and health care, and determined to forge a better future as influential leaders and catalysts of social awareness against discrimination and social injustice. 

This latest report highlights African-Americans’ economic and cultural gains and continues to shine a spotlight on how African-American Millennials are forging ahead in their use of technology and social media to raise awareness and evoke a national discussion on civic and political issues. African-American Millennials are expanding the use of mobile devices (particularly smartphones with a 91% penetration rate for all African-Americans), expanding their shopping carts with fresh foods and contributing to the diversification of mainstream primetime television viewership—forging a significant increase in advertising dollars focused on African-American audiences. 

As African-Americans, particularly younger Millennials, continue to develop and expand their influence on mainstream America, companies are making changes to reach this culture-rich group with unique, captivating campaigns, as well as products and services that meet their needs.

African-American Population Growth

African-Americans continue to represent a significant percentage of growth in the U.S. population. Having grown 21% between 2004 and 2014, the U.S. Black population is currently at 46.3 million* (14% of the total U.S. population), according to the most recent U.S. Census information.

The U.S. is increasingly diverse and younger, which has largely been driven by Millennials, those born between 1982 and 2000, according to the U.S. Census. There are 83.1 million Millennials currently in the U.S. and of which African-American Millennials comprise 14% (about 11.5 million). African-American Millennials comprise 25% (about 11.4 million) of the total Black population.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Illicit Drug Use Is Lower for Black Hi School Seniors Than for Whites

MAJOR REPORT: Among High School Seniors Illicit Drug Use Is Lower for Blacks Than for Whites

A new report from the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan finds that illicit drug use is more prevalent among White students who are about to enter college than it is among African American students who are about to enter their college years.

The data show that for high school seniors, Blacks are significantly less likely than Whites to use drugs. This is true for nearly all drugs that students were asked about in the survey. (At lower ages, the racial gap in drug use is smaller and for some drugs including marijuana, Blacks are more frequent users than Whites.)

Among high school seniors, 15 percent of Whites reported that they had smoked a cigarette in the past 30 days. This is more than double the rate for Blacks. More than one in five White high school students reported that they had engaged in at least one incidence of heavy drinking within the past 3o days. This is twice the rate of Black high school seniors.

The report also offers a great deal of information on drug use by college students. However, there are no breakdowns by racial or ethnic groups.

The full report, Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results of Drug Use, Volume 2, College Students and Adults Ages 19 to 55, may be downloaded above.